Where is my status bar in Firefox Quantum? Here’s a way to restore it!

Update (11-Jan-2023): As of January 2023, the method described below does not work. The status bar (in Firefox 108 and earlier, and also later) will still appear at the bottom of the browser window but the status bar messages (URLs, etc.) will appear separately *above* it, which kinda beats the purpose of the whole exercise. I am sure that the Mozilla team altered the HTML/CSS code that was doing the magic and this is why the method stopped working. So I removed this CSS altogether from the userChrome.css file.
I know this blog post still gets an occasional visit or two so if any of you find a new way of making the status bar appear in the newest versions of Firefox, please leave a comment with a helpful hint or two, thanks! :-)

The new Mozilla Firefox Quantum is quite cool. It’s fast, secure, and it has great support for all the latest “bells and whistles” in HTML/CSS/JS.

Firefox Quantum

One thing is missing though — OK, maybe not one, but one that highly annoys me: the status bar.

Firefox Quantum: searching for the (missing) status bar
And I am not the only one — Google “predictive results” suggests that probably thousands of people search for the status bar in the latest Firefox release.

To be fair, in Firefox 56 and earlier, the status bar was in a way missing too. But there was this excellent little extension that could bring it back in just a click: install Status-4-Evar, and bingo, the status bar is back! :-)

But what’s a status bar, you may ask? Usually it’s a little ribbon near the bottom of the browser’s window which can display a variety of information whenever needed. For example, while a web page is loading, the status bar may display brief glimpses about its loading progress. Or, when you mouse over a link on a page, the status bar will display the URL even before you click on the link. Handy!

When a web page is loading, the status bar may display brief glimpses about its loading progress
When a web page is loading (1), the status (2) bar may display brief glimpses about its loading progress.

In one word: the status bar is something very, very useful!

Here’s the catch though — you can display the status bar in a few different ways:
a) it can be either permanently on display at the bottom of the browser window (which was the default for all browsers only a few years back);
b) or, you can display and hide it based on context — which is the new default for most browsers, including Firefox.

In my opinion, displaying and hiding the status bar based on context, is not ideal UX (user experience). Page is loading and the status bar “pop-up” shows at the bottom of the browser window; page has loaded — status bar disappears; you mouseover one or a few links on the page you’re reading — and the status bar shows then hides then shows again… On/off, on/off, on/off… hundreds of times! It’s visually distracting.

A bit of history: Google Chrome was the first browser to introduce this annoying “show/hide status bar” behavior and then many other browser vendors started adopting it as well. Firefox was not exception.

But then, the Status-4-Evar extension fixed exactly that: it restored the status bar to the location where it belonged, and allowed Firefox users to browse happily with the status bar displayed at all times! No more status bar “flickering” on/off! :-)

Unfortunately, Firefox Quantum brought not only some cool stuff but some bad stuff as well, and namely, it broke all the existing (pre-Firefox-57) extensions! And so Status-4-Evar was gone as well.

I am using Mozilla Firefox (and before that, Mozilla Suite) for ages. I love the browser. I like that it’s developed by the Mozilla Foundation (and not Microsoft or Google or Apple — three giants that I don’t like particularly). I like that I can customize every little bit of my browsing experience in Firefox… or rather, could. Because, as I just mentioned, most of the old extensions will not work in Firefox Quantum (versions 57, 58 and later).

So I jumped on a quest to find the missing status bar!

A quick google search showed quite a few results but some of them were misleading and others turned out to be just some posts where people complained about the missing functionality.

I then dug deeper and found out that even if now Firefox extensions cannot customize the user interface of Firefox anymore, there is still a manual (and not so well documented) way of modifying bits of the interface by using a special CSS file that you can create locally on your computer: userChrome.css.

The userChrome.css file must be created inside the chrome folder in your Firefox profile (this is well documented in the following Firefox help page).

As an example, in Windows 10, the file is located here:

After you create this file, add the following code to it:

    Display the status bar in Firefox Quantum (Firefox 57+)
    permanently at the bottom of the browser window.
    Code below works best for the Light Firefox theme and is based on:

#browser-bottombox {
    height: 20px;
    border-top: solid 1px #CCC;

.browserContainer>statuspanel {
    left: 4px !important;
    bottom: 0;
    transition-duration: 0s !important;
    transition-delay: 0s !important;

.browserContainer>statuspanel>.statuspanel-inner>.statuspanel-label {
    margin-left: 0 !important;
    border: none !important;
    padding: 0 !important;

window[inFullscreen="true"] #browser-bottombox {
    display:none !important;

window[inFullscreen="true"] .browserContainer>statuspanel[type="overLink"] .statuspanel-label {
    display:none !important;

Save the file and restart Firefox. You should now see the status bar permanently displayed at the bottom of the window! :-)

I took the idea from the following page: firefox-gui-chrome-css and made some slight modifications to it. It works best with the Light theme for Firefox Quantum.

If you are using the Dark Theme in Firefox then better if you use the next block of code as it was adapted specifically for the dark Firefox look:

    Display the status bar in Firefox Quantum (Firefox 57+)
    permanently at the bottom of the browser window.
    Code below works best for the Dark Firefox theme and is based on:

#browser-bottombox {
    height: 20px;
    border-top: solid 1px #505050;

.browserContainer>statuspanel {
    left: 4px !important;
    bottom: 0;
    transition-duration: 0s !important;
    transition-delay: 0s !important;

.browserContainer>statuspanel>.statuspanel-inner>.statuspanel-label {
    margin-left: 0 !important;
    border: none !important;
    padding: 0 !important;
	color: #EEE !important;
    background: #333 !important;

window[inFullscreen="true"] #browser-bottombox {
   display:none !important;

window[inFullscreen="true"] .browserContainer>statuspanel[type="overLink"] .statuspanel-label {
    display:none !important;

Note: If you are using more than one Firefox profile, you’ll need to add the modification to the userChrome.css file separately to every chrome folder in every profile.

I have tested this “hack” on two different Windows 10 computers with the latest Firefox 58 and it works brilliantly, at least for now.

If you’re the lazy type, feel free to download directly my modified userChrome.css files:
— only remember (after the download) to rename the file back from userChromeLight.css or userChromeDark.css to userChrome.css. I added “Light” and “Dark” in the file name only to differentiate between the two versions.
(Attention! The above Light theme and Dark theme examples will work for Firefox 57-60 only. Firefox 61+ requires updated CSS files, check the UPDATE at the end of the blog post! I made the update thanks to a recent helpful comment.)

Finally, if you’re a Firefox power user and already have a userChrome.css file with some customizations in it — in that case just add the bit of code and save it. (Do not replace your original file with the downloaded one as it’ll remove your current customizations.)

Hope everything is clear but if you have a question, feel free to post a comment below or to ping me on Twitter. :-)

UPDATE! (28/06/2018): After the release of Firefox 61, the CSS code needs to be tweaked, or otherwise it will not work. If you (for some reason) are still using Firefox 57, 58, 59 or 60, everything will be fine, use the older code. If you are using Firefox 61 or newer, get one of the next two CSS files which were updated and tested to work with the newer 61+.

The updated userChrome.css files — for Firefox 61 and newer:
(And again, remember (after the download) to rename the file back from userChromeLight61.css or userChromeDark61.css to userChrome.css. I added “Light” and “Dark” and “61” in the file name only to differentiate between the two dark/light versions, and so that you know these are the versions for FF 61+.)

IE9 background shifting bug

On Tuesday, I mentioned that the brand-new IE9 browser is out; yesterday and today, I am already fighting with the first IE9-bug I encountered… :-(

The story in short: I installed IE9 mainly because I was curious to see how good is the support for some of the new CSS3 properties — rounded corners, box-shadows, text-shadow, gradients, transitions, and so on.

So, as soon as IE9 was officially released, I installed it, then restarted my Win7 machine, and lo and behold! in one of the first designs I tested in it, I found a new bug (new in the sense: a bug that I never encountered in IE8 or IE7): a strange one-pixel shift in the background image of a page, when (un)certain conditions are met!

Here’s a test page:


Test conditions:

Internet Explorer 9 (you need Windows Vista or Windows 7; Windows XP is not supported).
— The browser window must be maximized.
— I tested with the following screen resolutions: 1680×1050, 1440×900. (Not sure if bug will happen if your screen is larger or smaller.)
— Open the test page, wait for it to load.
— With the mouse, scroll down to the bottom of the page, then up to the beginning. You have a 50%/50% chance to see a one-pixel shift in some part of the background of the page, in the upper part! (At least, I see such 1px shift…)
— If you refresh the page, bug is gone. If you scroll again down-up once or twice, bug is back again!
— (Update 1) If the Menu Bar is not open in IE9, the bug is not triggered. If the Menu Bar is open, it is triggered! (Just in case: screenshot of the toolbars that are open when the bug can be reproduced: Menu bar, Status bar.)
— (Update 2) If you have AERO disabled, the bug won’t show up (for example, if you use Windows Classic or Windows 7 Basic theme). If AERO is enabled (Windows 7 theme, with AERO = “ON”), the bug is there! (Big thanks to Adam Kiss, who made some tests.)
— (Update 3) “Show tabs on a separate row” should not be enabled (and it’s not, by default). If you select “shows tabs on a separate row”, bug will disappear too (?).
— If you put more Lorem Ipsum text in the main column, bug is gone.
— If you reduce (or increase?) the height of the main column (#content) in which the Lorem Ipsum text is located, the bug no longer appears. Currently, the div#content has a min-height of 500px.
— If you minimize the window of IE9 and then back again to maximized state, the bug disappears (page is re-rendered after a minimize > restore-back-to-maximized operation).
— The 1px shift occurs only in the upper part of the background image, and quite randomly.

Now, the background image is applied to the body element:

body {
background: #8F8F8F url(../img/body-test.png) 0 0 repeat-x;

…and there is nothing special in the code.

The left part of this background-image is the original image, the right part is for testing purposes — the horizontal lines help see if there are any shifts in the background image position. Otherwise, that was the original.

After many tries I discovered that the format of the background image does not matter (PNG, JPG, GIF…) as well as its size.

You can scroll with a mouse or the up-down arrows on the keyboard.

Of course, it’s possible that something in my setup (Win7/IE9) is wrong and so any kind of third-party confirmation for the existence (or non-existense) of this bug would be appreciated! (Btw, I never saw such a bug in IE7/8, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome. Only in IE9.)

Here’s how the test page is supposed to look:

And here how it looks after a couple of scrollings down/up:

Also please note that after scrolling down/up, and then mouse-overing the elements in the navigation, another visual strangeness happens:

So, in “ideal conditions”, the page should look like this, but after some scrolling, here’s how it looks like (or even like this).

* * *

Otherwise, testing IE9 is fun — for now I see that CSS3 transitions and text-shadows are not supported. Border-radius and box-shadow are supported, though, which is nice. I’ll be testing more.

Any help is appreciated! Did I discover a bug? If yes, what triggers it?…

IE6-IE9: 10 years

10 years is a lot. In the Web, 10 years is quite a lot. IE6 was one of the best browsers when it hit the market in 2000-2001. Then it slowly started to transform itself into a brake for new technologies on the Web. While all other browsers (Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, and now Chrome) were adopting new technologies at a fast pace and improving their rendering of web pages, IE6 remained un-changed.


Microsoft now say that IE6 is history. And that IE9 (that officially was released today and is available for all users of Windows Vista and Windows 7) is much better.

We’ll see! :)

Firefox 3.0/3.5 doesn’t warn when closing multiple tabs (a solution)

If you have this problem:

1) You have set the option in Mozilla Firefox to open all of your tabs automatically, each time the browser starts,
2) You do not see the warning “You are about to close n tabs. Are you sure you want to continue?” when you try to close the Firefox window (intentionally or by accident), and
3) You do not want Firefox 3.0 to ask you each time you close it, if you like to save or not save your browsing session, but save the session automatically,

…then you can jump straight to the solution!

But if you are curious about the details, you may continue to read below! :-)

A short introduction

Firefox 3 is by far the best browser I know!

It is secure, it supports Web standards and CSS 2.1 (and now, CSS 3, too!), it is fun to use, it has a built-in Session Saver (when you close Firefox with all of your opened tabs, it can re-open them next time you start it), and there are a variety of very useful add-ons (extensions) made for it, which extend its functionality and make it even better!

(NOTE: Firefox 3.5 was released on June 30th, 2009, but I will wait maybe a couple of more weeks, before upgrading to it, because still some very useful add-ons for Firefox 3.0 are not yet upgraded to be compatible with version 3.5.)

When I made the switch from Firefox 2.0 to Firefox 3.0, one thing puzzled me, though: the standard warning, when you close a Firefox window with more than 2 tabs open — it has disappeared… well, in a way, at least!

Firefox close all tabs warning

Firefox 2.0 » Firefox 3.0

As you (probably) know, Firefox can automatically save your browsing session, when you close it. This means, when you close the Firefox window, all tabs that you have open inside it, will be re-opened next time you start it again. This is controlled via an option, found in Tools > Options > Main > Startup: “When Firefox starts: Show my windows & tabs from last time” [screenshot].

So, in Options, if you select “When Firefox starts: Show my windows & tabs from last time”, you can safely close Firefox, and next time it starts, it will restore your browsing session — for this to work, though, you must have all tabs opened inside one window, or else, only the last window that you have closed will have its tabs re-opened on next startup.

You can also decide if you want your tabs re-opened, each time you close the Firefox window. In this case, you can de-select “When Firefox starts: Show my windows & tabs from last time” and instead, choose “Show a blank page”. Then Firefox 3 will ask each time you try to close it, what do you prefer: your session saved, or not.

But if you’re like me, then you may prefer all opened tabs to be saved automatically, and without any questions upon closing Firefox. In this case, you will select “When Firefox starts: Show my windows & tabs from last time” in Options and the dialog “Save and Quit?”, “Quit?”, “Cancel?” will not be shown when you close the Firefox window.

There’s one problem, though.

Firefox 3.0 will not warn you when you close a window with multiple tabs!

Well, this is not exactly true. It will not warn you, when several conditions are met:

1) In Tools > Options > Main > Startup, you must specify the option “When Firefox starts: Show my windows & tabs from last time” (this is pretty common, especially for people who upgraded from Firefox 1.5/2.0 > 3.0, because most users prefer to re-open all tabs automatically, when they start Firefox), and…

2) You are closing the last open window of Firefox. (I prefer have all of my tabs opened inside one window — thus, when I close Firefox, all my tabs inside this window will be re-opened. But let’s suppose, you have two windows open, inside each window there are several tabs. When you try to close the first window, Firefox will warn you. When you try to close the second one, it will not warn you.)

The strangest thing is that the warning “You are about to close n tabs. Are you sure you want to continue?” will not appear, in this case, no matter what is the setting that you have specified in Tools > Options > Tabs > “Warn me when closing multiple tabs” [screenshot]!

In Firefox 2.0, when you try to close a window with multiple tabs open, and if you have checked the option in Tools > Options > Tabs > “Warn me when closing multiple tabs”, Firefox will always warn you, before you close the window, no matter if the window you are about to close is the last (and only one), or if you have set the option in Tools > Options > Main > Startup: “When Firefox starts: Show my windows & tabs from last time”.

In Firefox 3.0, when you try to close a window with multiple tabs open, and if you have checked the option in Tools > Options > Tabs > “Warn me when closing multiple tabs”, Firefox will warn you, before you close the window, only if you have specified “Open my home page” or “Open a blank page” in Tools > Options > Main > When Firefox starts (it will present you with the dialog “Save & Quit”, “Quit”, “Cancel”)… But if you have specified there “When Firefox starts: Show my windows & tabs from last time”, then Firefox will not warn you, but will silently close all tabs!

And this is intentional (as of Firefox version 3.0), because, as far as I know, there were several bugs logged in this regard (including bug 419009, “Warning if closing multiple tabs is not working”), but the functionality remained the same! If the user has specified “When Firefox starts: Show my windows & tabs from last time”, then, when closing Firefox, all of his tabs will be automatically restored, and there’s no data loss. But the user might close Firefox by accident, and in this case, there’s no way for him to be warned! And the option “Warn me when closing multiple tabs” was supposed (in Firefox 2.0) to fix just that: accidental closing of all of your opened tabs! But it’s gone in Firefox 3.0: now you can’t be warned before you close Firefox, if you have specified all of your tabs to be restored automatically, when Firefox starts!

Some claim that there’s an easy “fix” for this: The user is supposed to select “Show my home page” or “Show a blank page” in Tools > Options > Main > Startup, but in this case, Firefox will ask each time it is closed, if you want or do not want to save all of your tabs! (And this is something I don’t need — I want Firefox to open all of my tabs automatically, without asking!) Also, in this case, you might also accidentally click the wrong choice and have your session deleted (if you select “Quit” instead of “Save and Quit”).

I have searched for a true workaround for a long time. I wanted:

1) Firefox to automatically save all of my tabs & re-open them next time it starts, inside one window, and
2) I wanted to be warned, when I try to close the Firefox window.

I think I have found a very good (almost perfect)…

Solution to the problem

You will need to install one Firefox add-on first — “Tab Mix Plus”; it currently works for Firefox 3.0/3.5, and can be downloaded from here:


I will also recommend you to install the “Session Manager” addon, which works for FF 3.0/3.5:


(Session Manager will complement the other add-on pretty well, but this step is not required.)

In Tab Mix Plus, there’s an option which can restore the default behaviour of Firefox, when you try to close it!

To activate it in Firefox, go to Tools > Tab Mix Plus Options > Events > Tab Closing > “Warn me when closing multiple tabs”. If you check this option, then Firefox 3 will act as before: If you have multiple tabs open, and try to close the Firefox window, it’ll show you the standard warning “You are about to close n tabs. Are you sure you want to continue?”.

And you’ll see the warning, even if in Tools > Options > Main > Startup: “When Firefox starts: Show my windows & tabs from last time” is set!

That’s it! :-)

Final notes

— In Firefox options, I have set Firefox to remember my opened tabs session automatically, when I close Firefox. I open all tabs inside one window, so for me this option works very well: If I try to close the window with all opened tabs, Firefox now gives me a warning, as I expect. If I try to close the window by accident, I can click on ‘Cancel’ and if I really want to close it, then I select ‘Close Tabs’ and next time Firefox opens, all of my tabs are restored!

— For added “extra security”, I have also installed Session Manager add-on (see download link above). So in the rare case that I will close one Firefox window with some tabs open and then will see that in the background, there was one more window open (this may happen sometimes), I can still recover my session with all opened tabs, using the Session Manager — I can simply revert then to a previous backup session, using Tools > Session Manager > Backup Sessions [screenshot].

— I have tested this on Windows XP SP3, Firefox 3.0.12 and Tab Mix Plus, and it works as described. Only remember that Firefox will not give you a warning, if you try to close it using File > Exit (in this case it will silently close, but still reopen all of your tabs next time, if you have specified this in Options). But if you try to close Firefox window using the standard Windows shorcut (Alt+F4) or if you click on the close button on its window (top right), the warning will appear.

— I do not know what is the default behaviour of Firefox 3.5, when closing (and I did not test Tab Mix Plus with FF 3.5.x, too). I may update this article in the future, if needed. A reader just confirmed that the bug exists in Firefox 3.5.x, too (thanks, iffi!:-) and that the latest version of Tab Mix Plus fixes the bug in FF 3.5, as it does in FF 3.0. That’s good to know!

— Tab Mix Plus add-on has much more options, but I needed just the warning on closing multiple tabs; feel free to explore all of its other features, though! :-)

I hope this information will be useful to other Firefox users, too!

Also, feel free to leave any comments and notes you may have — I always appreciate constructive feedback and discussion!

UPDATE (2009/08/08): I can confirm that this fix works with latest Firefox 3 (3.0.13) and Firefox 3.5 (3.5.2).

The end of IE6 is soon?

In the light of recent ideas that Web designers should spend less and less time, making fixes for Internet Explorer 6 (this browser is almost 10 years old already), I was curious to compare some browser stats for optimiced.com.

But first, a couple of words about the reasons why support for IE6 should be limited.

The Reasons

Dan Cederholm: How I Might Deal with IE6

Roger Johannson: No more pixel perfectionism in IE 6

Basically, the idea is as follows: Limit the time, which you dedicate to IE6, to the possible minimum. Yes, the design will look a bit different in this old browser, but so what? The important thing is that the design should work, and that there are no problems with the accessibility or functionality of the website.

In certain cases, you can even decide, if you wish to ensure a minimum support for IE6, or completely ignore it, in a similar way that Netscape 4.7x was ignored years ago, using the @import command for CSS styles.

For IE6, you can use IE conditional comments, like in this example:

<!--[if gte IE 7]><!-->
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="screen.css" />

“Translated” to human language, this small piece of HTML code means the following:

If Internet Explorer is version 7 (or higher), the CSS file ‘screen.css’ will be loaded. Otherwise, the file won’t be loaded (IE6 or lower). All other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.) will load the file screen.css quite normally. I have tested this in Firefox 3, Safari 3.2, IE7, IE6, and the code works perfectly.

Here’s the test example

Open this page in Firefox, Opera, Safari or IE7+ — the background of the page should be green, and it means that the ‘screen.css’ file is loading normally.

Open the same page in IE6 (or even older version) — the background should be white, and it means, ‘screen.css’ is not loading for it.

And now about my browser stats.

I decided to check, how many site visitors of my personal blog are using Internet Explorer, how many of them are using version 6, and also, how stand up the numbers for Firefox and a few other popular browsers of today.

The Numbers

As a base for my comparison, I took the last month (Jan. 22 — Feb. 22 2009), and I also compared this period with the same period, but 1 years ago (Jan. 22 — Feb. 22 2008).

Firefox (Jan. 22, 2009 — Feb. 22, 2009): 56.18% of all visits
Firefox (Jan. 22, 2008 — Feb. 22, 2008): 49.79% of all visits
Firefox: +6.39% increase in number of visits, during a period of 1 year

Internet Explorer (Jan. 22, 2009 — Feb. 22, 2009): 33.47% of all visits
Internet Explorer (Jan. 22, 2008 — Feb. 22, 2008): 40.90% of all visits
Internet Explorer: -7.43% decrease in number of visits, during a period of 1 year

At the present moment, Opera is around 5%, Chrome is around 3.2% and Safari around 1.5% (of all visits to my site). All other browsers (Mozilla, for example) have so low numbers, that they can safely be ignored.

The tendency is clear. Firefox slowly, but constantly is increasing its influence, while Internet Explorer makes exactly the opposite. Safari, Opera, and also Chrome, are present in the whole picture, but quite modestly. Firefox and IE are the “big players”, or at least, this is true for my blog visitors… :)

Now let’s see the numbers for the different versions of IE.

IE7/IE8 vs. IE6

IE7 (Jan. 22, 2009 — Feb. 22, 2009): 55.22% from the total share of IE in the stats
IE7 (Jan. 22, 2008 — Feb. 22, 2008): 41.59% from the total share of IE in the stats
IE7: +13.63% increase in number of visits during a period of 1 year

IE6 (Jan. 22, 2009 — Feb. 22, 2009): 43.64% from the total share of IE in the stats
IE6 (Jan. 22, 2008 — Feb. 22, 2008): 57.18% from the total share of IE in the stats
IE6: -13.54% decrease in number of visits during a period of 1 year

The trend here is also clear: IE6 slowly loses grounds, while IE7 is becoming more and more widespread.

IE8 Beta also appears in the stats, but the numbers are very low — around 1%.

The Verdict

Firefox: 56.18% from all visits to the website
Internet Explorer: 33.47% from all visits to the website
— IE7: ~ 55% (of all IE visits)
— IE6: ~ 43% (of all IE visits)

In total, my users, which are using IE6, are less than 15%. All others use Firefox, IE7, Safari, Opera and Chrome.

Is 15% too low a number, so I can apply the CSS “filtering” for IE6? No, it is too early for that, I think.

But I guess that in 1-2 years the share of IE6 will become so low, that there really won’t be any point in trying to fix the XHTML/CSS code for it.

And then IE6 will become history, in a much similar way that Netscape Navigator 4.7x became history a few years ago — something which made me very happy at the time! :-)

Apple Safari 3.0 Beta – version for Windows

Safari 3.0 Beta for WindowsSafari – with a brand new Windows version! Sounds almost incredible, but it’s a fact…

I saw the news by accident – dropped a look to the new design of Apple (MacOS X Leopard, being the reason for the new design, I guess), and from there clicked the Download Apple Safari 3.0 Beta… for Windows! How can you resist not to click such a link! :-)

Internet Explorer won’t have a version for MacOS anymore (unless Microsoft change their mind at some point). The last version was IE 5.2/Mac and that was ages ago…

And now Apple releases a version of Safari for Windows!

I downloaded the beta [Safari version 3.0.1 (522.12.2), to be precise] — I was curious, of course — I do not have constant access to a Mac, so even only for testing of websites in Safari this version would be of great use for me:)

Three things make impression immediately:

  • Safari on Windows looks like Safari on Mac;
  • some Windows functions don’t work (for example, you cannot scroll the page when you press down the scroll (middle) button of the mouse);
  • font rendering looks very different – Windows doesn’t have any influence on the rendering of the fonts – nor ClearType, nor any other way of anti-aliasing (font smoothing) works…

Read more