Daily Design (2010-051): Double Snake Logo

Daily Design

Meta info:
Software: Adobe Fireworks CS5
Time: ~ 5 m
Idea/Completed: 2010/Oct/20 @ 22:00

Inspired by a movie that I very much liked! ;) So I just re-created this logo with vectors.

On a //sideline: I think this is one of the beautiful examples of clean design, that is simple, yet powerful. And in this case, it carries also a very subtle (double) meaning, that falls perfectly in place in its original context. I do not know who was the designer, but I admire his work… :)

So… Instead of explaining… what if I ask: What is this? :-)

Hint #1: I re-created this logo, not invented it!
Hint #2: Inspired by a movie!
Hint #3: 1980’s is the time period.

Anyone? ;-)

Daily Design (2010-050): The Power of Tefal (and fried eggs)

Daily Design

Meta info:
Software: Adobe Fireworks CS5
Time: ~ 3 h
Idea/Completed: 2010/Oct/19 @ 16:30

Not sure why my “kitchen idea” continues today, but a fact is a fact: now I have not only a frying pan but also a big ceramic stove and some fried eggs! ;)

Interesting (even for me) to see how a tiny Power button can evolve into some kitchen utensils… :)))

(Larger size of this illustration is available, too — just click the 640×640 image above.)

Daily Design (2010-046): Good Friends

Daily Design

Meta info:
Software: Adobe Fireworks CS5
Time: ~ 20 m
Idea/Completed: 2010/Oct/08 @ 21:15

Not sure exactly, why I came up with this today… Maybe because I have a birthday tomorrow? Or because Winter is coming, cold and snowy?…

Anyway, that’s the illustration that showed up in my mind this evening, and I just translated it into pixels… :)

Daily Design (2010-045): Dribbble Records 2010

Daily Design

Meta info:
Software: Adobe Fireworks CS5/Adobe Illustrator CS5
Time: ~ 1.5 h
Idea/Completed: 2010/Oct/07 @ 14:50

Just a funny illustration I came up with today… All done in Fireworks, 100% vector work (I only used Illustrator to better import the .eps dribbble logo). And the vinyl record also scales really well! :)

EDIT @ 19:50: Based on David Brooks‘s comments, I have worked on the reflection a bit more:

Daily Design